Monday, September 14, 2009

2 months old: 11lbs 7 ounces, 23 7/8 inches

Officially 2 months old. You screamed through your first round of vaccinations, but now you're sleeping soundly. As I type this, I am watching you sleep. I wonder what you dream about. What I dream for you is a life full of family, good friends, learning, travel, and--of course--love. I imagine the day you fall in love, the day someone breaks your heart, the moment you realize you'll be fine, that life goes on, that you'll fall in love again, and again, and again. I only hope to be there for you, to share with you the great highs and lows of love.

Remember, I held you inside me.
I will hold you always, anywhere, anytime.

The world is wide open. Go. Do. Be.

Included here are pictures of your 2-month photo shoot with your Barak Obama doll. I took two different series. This month Obama upset you...

1 comment:

  1. ok you have to stop writing blog entries that make readers cry...but of course that is only because you write from your heart. funny pics with should send to his people
